超高质量表面声波滤波器I.H.P. SAW (Incredible High Performance SAW)

surface acoustic wave device

超高质量表面声波滤波器I.H.P. SAW具有新颖的多层结构(钽酸锂/二氧化硅/氮化铝/硅衬底),可将SAW表面声波能量限制在基板表面区域,并表现出极高的品质(Q)因数、较低的频率温度系数(TCF)和优化的机电耦合系数(K2)。

Basic structure of I.H.P. SAW

在美国华盛顿特区举办的2017年IEEE国际超声波研讨会(IUS)让众多业内科学家印象深刻。来自日本京都的村田制造所(Murata)薄膜体工程部(Thin Film Engineering Dept)的科学家团队(Tsutomu Takai, Hideki Iwamoto, Yuichi Takamine, Takeshi Nakao, Masahiro Hiramoto, Masayuki Koshino)首次提出了超高质量表面声波滤波器I.H.P. SAW并从理论和实验层面展示了其高品质因子的机制,介绍了其在新型LTE射频滤波器中的应用。

Filter waveform under the variation of temperature (blue: -35°C, black: +25°C, red: +85°C)
Traditional Saw filter vs I.H.P. SAW filter waveform under the variation of temperature

这一项来自日本的原创作品意义非凡,真正意义上推动了射频滤波器行业的发展。日本村田制造所在随后的2019年实现了I.H.P. Saw滤波器的量产并成功应用到了索尼(Sony)Xperia XA2 Ultra和华硕(Asus)ZenFone 4 Pro等智能手机品牌。关注半导体技术的权威三方拆解机构System Plus Consulting特别针对索尼(Sony)Xperia XA2 Ultra手机Wifi模组中的I.H.P. SAW滤波器做了拆解报告。

The I.H.P. SAW is used on the Wifi 2G path between the transceiver and the triplexer before the antenna.

– Report from System Plus Consulting

应用在通信终端的射频滤波器可处理 800 MHz 至 2500 MHz 范围内的信号。由于沿压电基板表面传播的SAW表面声波滤波器不适宜处理高难度频段,BAW体声波滤波器的商业应用不断增加。有效提高SAW表面声波滤波器处理高难度频段的能力成为了学术界和工业界科学工作者的共同目标。日本京都的村田制造所(Murata)在2017年IEEE国际超声波研讨会发表的期刊无疑颠覆了业内一直以来对SAW表面声波滤波器的认知。

Various characteristics for RF filters in mobile terminals are required corresponding to expansion of mobile terminals. I.H.P. SAW (Incredible High-performance SAW) with high Q and temperature stability has been developed to resolve these challenges. In this paper, its high Q mechanism of the new multi-layered structure (LiTaO3 / SiO2 / AlN / Si substrate) has been studied numerically in terms of acoustic energy confinement by using wave propagation analysis in real-space and wavenumber domains. One-port resonators employing I.H.P. SAW were fabricated after optimizing the multi-layered structure. Experimental results show higher Bode-Q values over 6000 at 0.9 GHz to 1900 at 3.5GHz successfully, which are over 3 times higher than those of conventional 42YX-LT SAW resonators. Very small TCF of −8 ppm/°C is also realized, and wider bandwidth and superior heat dissipation performance have been achieved. A new Wi-Fi filter with very narrow adjacent gaps and a new Band 25 / 66 / 30 hexaplexer, one of the most difficult multiplexers, have been developed using I.H.P. SAW technology, which show low insertion loss, steep cut-off, deep attenuation and extremely high isolation characteristics.

– Abstract of I.H.P. SAW technology and its application to microacoustic components (Invited)
2017 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS)

村田制造所在其官方网站公布的I.H.P. SAW特点:

1、The I.H.P. SAW filters can realize high Q factor characteristics.

2、The I.H.P. SAW filters can improve frequency-temperature characteristics.

3、The I.H.P. SAW filters exhibit a satisfactory heat dissipation.

使用表面声波技术,I.H.P. SAW滤波器提供了比BAW滤波器更好的特性。对射频滤波器的要求(频率扩展、小型化、多频段等)预计将逐年变得严格。预计未来I.H.P. SAW滤波器会形成一套独特的解决方案。

  • 2023-03-16